
POST api/Base/MoveImageByEntityPath?imageName={imageName}&rootTempImagePath={rootTempImagePath}&rootEntityImagePath={rootEntityImagePath}

No documentation available.


Manages Command related operation like Add/Update/Retrieve

POST api/UnitConfig/RetrieveCommands

Fetches Commands as per the request.

POST api/UnitConfig/RetrieveConfigTriggers

Fetches Commands as per the request.

POST api/UnitConfig/RetrieveUnitProfiles

Fetches UnitProfiles as per the request.

POST api/UnitConfig/AddMessage

Adds a Contract.

POST api/UnitConfig/AddTriggerFromLibrary

Adds a Contract.

POST api/UnitConfig/UpdateMessage

Updates a Contract.

POST api/UnitConfig/DeleteConfigMessage

Deletes a unit.

POST api/UnitConfig/UpdateScriptCommandSortOrder

Deletes a unit.

POST api/UnitConfig/AddConfigTrigger

Adds a Contract.

POST api/UnitConfig/UpdateConfigTrigger

Adds a Contract.

POST api/UnitConfig/DeleteConfigTrigger

Deletes a unit.

POST api/UnitConfig/AddUnitProfile

Adds a UnitProfile.

POST api/UnitConfig/UpdateUnitProfile

Updates a UnitProfile.

POST api/UnitConfig/RetrieveScriptsWithSummary

Fetches Commands as per the request.

POST api/UnitConfig/RetrieveScriptCommandsForDLLs

Fetches Commands as per the request.

POST api/UnitConfig/RetrieveStatusesWithSummary

Fetches Commands as per the request.

POST api/UnitConfig/RetrieveStatusCodeData

Fetches Commands as per the request.

POST api/UnitConfig/UpdateProfileStatuses

Updates a UnitProfile.

POST api/UnitConfig/RetrieveTripLogicWithSummary

Fetches TripLogic as per the request.

POST api/UnitConfig/UpdateTripLogic

Updates a TripLogic.

POST api/UnitConfig/ConfigureUnitProfiles

Updates unit profiles of the given units

POST api/UnitConfig/CancelProfileUpdate

Updates unit profiles of the given units

POST api/UnitConfig/MoveImageByEntityPath?imageName={imageName}&rootTempImagePath={rootTempImagePath}&rootEntityImagePath={rootEntityImagePath}

No documentation available.


Helps in Translating the displayed text in the web

POST api/Translation/Update

Updates the Translations.

POST api/Translation/UpdateTranslationsLastUpdate

Updates the Translation's last update date.

POST api/Translation/RetrieveTranslations

Retrieves a list of translations.

POST api/Translation/UpdateBulk

Updates the Translations in bulk

POST api/Translation/UpdateInline

Updates the Translations inline

POST api/Translation/RetrieveTranslationsByLanguage

Retrieves a list of translations.


POST api/Report/DownloadCrashReport

Retrieves the Report Download Link

POST api/Report/GenerateCrashReport

Generate report

POST api/Report/RetrieveSchedules

Retrieves the Report Schedules for a user

POST api/Report/CreateSchedule

Creates a report Schedule

POST api/Report/UpdateSchedule

Creates a report Schedule

POST api/Report/DeleteSchedule

Deletes a Report Schedule

POST api/Report/ToggleFavoriteReport

No documentation available.

POST api/Report/Execute

Executes a report and return the result set

POST api/Report/Retrieve

Retrieves a list of Reports.

POST api/Report/GetReport

Retrieves specific report's meta data.

POST api/Report/GetExcelReport

For system use only.

POST api/Report/ExecuteStoredProcedure

Executes the Report specific stored procedures to pull report result set.

POST api/Report/ExecuteReportForFooter

For system use only.

POST api/Report/MoveImageByEntityPath?imageName={imageName}&rootTempImagePath={rootTempImagePath}&rootEntityImagePath={rootEntityImagePath}

No documentation available.


POST api/Group/RetrieveGroups

Retreives a list of Groups.

POST api/Group/CreateGroup

Creates a Group.

POST api/Group/UpdateGroup

Updates a Group.

POST api/Group/RetrieveTemplates

Retreives a list of Templates.

POST api/Group/CreateTemplate

Creates a Template.

POST api/Group/UpdateTemplate

Updates a Template.

POST api/Group/CreateBulkGroups

Creates groups in bulk using multipart stream

POST api/Group/MoveImageByEntityPath?imageName={imageName}&rootTempImagePath={rootTempImagePath}&rootEntityImagePath={rootEntityImagePath}

No documentation available.


Manages Contract related operation like Add/Update/Retrieve

POST api/Contract/RetrieveContractsWithSummary

Fetches Contracts along with summary based on the parameters passed and user's access rights.

POST api/Contract/Add

Adds a Contract.

POST api/Contract/Update

Updates a Contract.

POST api/Contract/Delete

Deletes a Contract.

POST api/Contract/UpdateMultipleContracts

Updates multiple users.

POST api/Contract/MoveImageByEntityPath?imageName={imageName}&rootTempImagePath={rootTempImagePath}&rootEntityImagePath={rootEntityImagePath}

No documentation available.


POST api/Trips/Retrieve

Retrieves the list of trips.

POST api/Trips/AttestStatus

Attest/Approves the specified trips.

POST api/Trips/Update

Updates Trip Type, Order Number and Comments in a Trip.

POST api/Trips/Delete

For system use only.

POST api/Trips/Current

Retrieves the latest trip of logged in user.

POST api/Trips/DefaultTripStatus

Changes the user's trip type preference from private to business or vice versa.

POST api/Trips/RetrieveTraversedPOIs

Retrieve the Point of Interests/Geo Zone a vehicle has been to in the specified duration.

POST api/Trips/RetrieveTripAttestStatus

Retrieves trip attestation history month wise

POST api/Trips/GetUserTripType

Retrieves trip type preference for the given user

POST api/Trips/MultipleTripsUpdate

Updates Trip Type, Order Number and Comments in a Trip.

POST api/Trips/RetrieveTripsWithSummary

Retrieves the list of trips.

POST api/Trips/RetrieveLogBook

Retrieves the list of trips.

POST api/Trips/RetrieveLogBookDrivers

Retrieves the list of trips.

POST api/Trips/MoveImageByEntityPath?imageName={imageName}&rootTempImagePath={rootTempImagePath}&rootEntityImagePath={rootEntityImagePath}

No documentation available.


POST api/Ticket/RetrieveTicketsWithSummary

No documentation available.

POST api/Ticket/Add

Adds a Ticket.

POST api/Ticket/Update

Updates a Ticket.

POST api/Ticket/UpdateMultiple

Updates a Ticket.

POST api/Ticket/Delete

Updates a Ticket.

POST api/Ticket/MoveImageByEntityPath?imageName={imageName}&rootTempImagePath={rootTempImagePath}&rootEntityImagePath={rootEntityImagePath}

No documentation available.


POST api/Template/ApplyTemplateToGroups

Applies template(s) to groups

POST api/Template/CreateTemplate

Creates a new template

POST api/Template/AddTemplate

Creates a new template

POST api/Template/UpdateTemplate

Creates a new template

POST api/Template/DeleteTemplate

Deletes a new template

POST api/Template/RetrieveTemplates

Gets templates

POST api/Template/RetrieveModules

Gets templates

POST api/Template/RetrieveTemplateUpdateData

Gets templates

POST api/Template/AddModule

Adds a Module.

POST api/Template/UpdateModule

Adds a Module.

POST api/Template/DeleteModule

Adds a Module.

POST api/Template/RetrieveModulesForLinking

Gets templates

POST api/Template/AddExistingModules

Gets templates

POST api/Template/RetrieveFilterTemplates

Gets templates

POST api/Template/MoveImageByEntityPath?imageName={imageName}&rootTempImagePath={rootTempImagePath}&rootEntityImagePath={rootEntityImagePath}

No documentation available.


POST api/UnitManager/RetrieveUnits

Retreives a list of units.

POST api/UnitManager/RetrieveFirmwares

Retreives a list of Firmwares.

POST api/UnitManager/RetrieveProfiles

Retreives a list of Profiles.

POST api/UnitManager/UpdateProfile

Updates the Profile in the specified units.

POST api/UnitManager/UpdateFirmware

Updates the Firmware in the specified units.

POST api/UnitManager/RetrieveFirmwareUpdateStatus

Retrieves the units and their status in terms of Firmware upgrade.

POST api/UnitManager/RetrieveProfileUpdateStatus

Retrieves the units and their status in terms of Profile upgrade.


POST api/User/CreateBulkUsers

Creates users in bulk using multipart stream

POST api/User/MoveBulkUsers

Moves users in bulk from or out of groups.

POST api/User/RetrieveUsersWithSummary

No documentation available.

POST api/User/Update

Updates a User.

POST api/User/Add

Updates a User.

POST api/User/UpdateMultipleUsers

Updates multiple users.

POST api/User/Delete

Deletes a user.

POST api/User/RetrieveChatUsers

No documentation available.

POST api/User/MoveImageByEntityPath?imageName={imageName}&rootTempImagePath={rootTempImagePath}&rootEntityImagePath={rootEntityImagePath}

No documentation available.


Handles the Authentication related requests

POST api/Login/Authenticate

Validates the user credentials and returns a Token to be used in subsequent request upon success

POST api/Login/login

Validates the user credentials and returns a Token to be used in subsequent request upon success

POST api/Login/Logout

Terminates the user's session.

POST api/Login/ForgotPassword

Sends out an email to the user's email address with a password reset code which can be used to reset the password.

POST api/Login/ChangePassword

Changes the user password in response to the forgot password request.

POST api/Login/UpdatePassword

Updates the logged in user's password.

POST api/Login/UpdateUserDetails

Updates user details (Email, Phone Number)

POST api/Login/RetrieveMultipleEntities

Retrieves the data for dropdowns (Groups, Vehicles, Point of Intersets and Drivers)

POST api/Login/AuthenticateLoginAs

For system use only.

POST api/Login/GetUserDetails

Get the user details

POST api/Login/GetLanguageFile

Get translations according to the user language selection.

POST api/Login/GetAllLanguageFiles

Get translations according to the user language selection.

POST api/Login/UploadUserImage

Uploads User image

POST api/Login/ValidatedToken

Validate Token

GET api/Login/GetFileName

No documentation available.

POST api/Login/RegisterAPI


POST api/Login/GDPRTermsApproval

Get the user details

POST api/Login/MoveImageByEntityPath?imageName={imageName}&rootTempImagePath={rootTempImagePath}&rootEntityImagePath={rootEntityImagePath}

No documentation available.


POST api/Setting/Retrieve

Retrieves user settings base data (vehicles, drivers and report/trigger schedules).

POST api/Setting/SaveGeneralSettings

Saves General Settings for a user.

POST api/Setting/RetrieveAllCountries

Retrieves a list of available countries in the system.

POST api/Setting/RetrieveCommunicationModes

Added by Aamir on 19-May-17 Retrieves communication modes

POST api/Setting/RetrieveUserSettingDetails

Retrieves user setting details.

POST api/Setting/RetrieveAppsVersion

For system use only.

POST api/Setting/RetrieveLanguages

For system use only.

POST api/Setting/RetrieveUnitOfMeasures

For system use only.

POST api/Setting/RetrieveCategories

For system use only.

POST api/Setting/RetrieveUserApps

For system use only.

GET api/Setting/ResetCacheStoreConnectivity

No documentation available.

POST api/Setting/MoveImageByEntityPath?imageName={imageName}&rootTempImagePath={rootTempImagePath}&rootEntityImagePath={rootEntityImagePath}

No documentation available.


POST api/Unit/Retrieve

Retreives a list of units who are either unassigned or whose date of registration is within 60 mins from now.

POST api/Unit/Update

Updates a Unit

POST api/Unit/Create

Creates a unit and a vehicle.

POST api/Unit/SendCommandToUnit

Send custom command to unit.

POST api/Unit/SendImmobilizeCommand

Send custom command to unit.

POST api/Unit/CreateBulkUnits

Creates units in bulk using multipart stream

POST api/Unit/PreviewImportUnits

Returns preview of units being imported

POST api/Unit/ImportExcelUnits

Import units in excel file

POST api/Unit/RetrieveUnitsWithSummary

No documentation available.

POST api/Unit/UpdateUnit

Updates a Unit

POST api/Unit/RetrieveDeviceVendors

No documentation available.

POST api/Unit/RetrieveFilterUnits

No documentation available.

POST api/Unit/Delete

Deletes a unit.

POST api/Unit/RetrieveUnitsForLinking

Gets templates

POST api/Unit/UpdateMultipleUnits

Updates a Unit

POST api/Unit/RetrieveUnitProfiles

Gets templates

POST api/Unit/MoveImageByEntityPath?imageName={imageName}&rootTempImagePath={rootTempImagePath}&rootEntityImagePath={rootEntityImagePath}

No documentation available.


POST api/Notification/RetrieveNotifications

Retrieves the Dashboard Notifications

POST api/Notification/UpdateTriggerNotificationAck

Deletes a trigger schedule.


POST api/Account/RetrieveAccounts

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/RetrieveAccountDetail

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/RetrieveAccountSetting

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/AddGroupInAccount

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/AddSetting

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/UpdateSetting

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/UpdateProfile

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/AddProfile

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/RetrieveFilterAccounts

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/VerifyAccountHaveAssociation

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/MoveAccountAssociatesAndDelete

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/DeleteAccount

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/DeleteGroup

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/RetrieveAccountStatuses

For system use only.

POST api/Account/RetrieveLastAccountNo

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/MoveImageByEntityPath?imageName={imageName}&rootTempImagePath={rootTempImagePath}&rootEntityImagePath={rootEntityImagePath}

No documentation available.


POST api/Trigger/RetrieveTriggerSchedules

Retrieves the list of trigger schedules.

POST api/Trigger/CreateTriggerSchedule

Creates a trigger schedule.

POST api/Trigger/UpdateTriggerSchedule

Updates a trigger schedule.

POST api/Trigger/DeleteTriggerSchedule

Deletes a trigger schedule.

POST api/Trigger/RetrieveTriggersData

No documentation available.

POST api/Trigger/RetrieveTriggerSchedulesByPOI

Retrieves the list of trigger schedules.

POST api/Trigger/MoveImageByEntityPath?imageName={imageName}&rootTempImagePath={rootTempImagePath}&rootEntityImagePath={rootEntityImagePath}

No documentation available.


Handles Vehicle specific requests

POST api/Vehicles/Retrieve

Retrieves a list of vehicles.

POST api/Vehicles/Create

Creates a Vehicle.

POST api/Vehicles/AssignDriver

Assigns a vehicle to the Special Driver.

POST api/Vehicles/Update

Updates a Vehicle.

POST api/Vehicles/Add

Updates a Vehicle.

POST api/Vehicles/Delete

For system use only.

POST api/Vehicles/UpdateMultipleVehicles

Updates multiple users.

POST api/Vehicles/LatestLocation

Retrieves the current location of the vehicle.

POST api/Vehicles/RetrieveDriversForVehicle

Retrieves a list of vehicle's associated drivers.

POST api/Vehicles/GetVehicleItems

Returns the list of vehicle for drop down list.

POST api/Vehicles/RetrieveTraversedPOIs

Retrieves the Point of Interests Vehicle has been to in the duration.

POST api/Vehicles/RetrieveVehiclesThroughPOI

Retrieves the vehicles who have been through a Point of Interest.

POST api/Vehicles/RevertOdoCorrection

Reverts an ODO Correction.

POST api/Vehicles/RetrieveVehiclesThroughPOILastPositionOnly

Retrieves the vehicles who have stopped in the specified Point of Interest.

POST api/Vehicles/ResetOdoCorrection

Resets all the ODO Corrections.

POST api/Vehicles/RetrieveVehicleAdministrationData

Retrieves the list of vehicles for administration.

POST api/Vehicles/RetrieveVehicleAdministrationDataWithSummary

Retrieves the list of vehicles for administration.

POST api/Vehicles/UpdateVehicleAdministrationData

Updates administration data for a vehicle.

POST api/Vehicles/RetrieveVehiclePosition

Retrieves a list of vehicles.

POST api/Vehicles/RetrieveVehicleListing

Retrieves a list of vehicles.

POST api/Vehicles/RetrieveVehicleDetail

Retrieves a list of vehicles.

POST api/Vehicles/RetrieveClosestVehicles

Retrieves vehicles along with distance and time from given point.

POST api/Vehicles/UploadVehicleImage

Uploads vehicle image

POST api/Vehicles/RetrieveVehiclesWithSummary

Retrieves a list of vehicles.

POST api/Vehicles/CreateBulkVehicles

Creates a Vehicle.

POST api/Vehicles/MoveBulkVehicles

Moves vehicles in bulk from or out of groups.

POST api/Vehicles/PreviewImportVehicles

Returns preview of vehicles being imported

POST api/Vehicles/ImportExcelVehicles

Import vehicles in excel file

POST api/Vehicles/RetrieveVehiclesWithSummaryThroughAdmin

Retrieves a list of vehicles.

POST api/Vehicles/MoveImageByEntityPath?imageName={imageName}&rootTempImagePath={rootTempImagePath}&rootEntityImagePath={rootEntityImagePath}

No documentation available.


Manages SIM related operation like Add/Update/Retrieve

POST api/SIM/RetrieveSIMsWithSummary

Retrieves SIMs as per user right and filters.

POST api/SIM/Add

Adds a SIM.

POST api/SIM/Update

Updates a SIM.

POST api/SIM/Delete

Deletes a SIM.

POST api/SIM/RetrieveFilterSIMs

No documentation available.

POST api/SIM/PreviewImportSIMs

Returns preview of sims being imported

POST api/SIM/ImportExcelSIMs

Returns preview of sims being imported

POST api/SIM/MoveImageByEntityPath?imageName={imageName}&rootTempImagePath={rootTempImagePath}&rootEntityImagePath={rootEntityImagePath}

No documentation available.


POST api/Dashboard/RetrieveHeader

Retrieves the Dashboard Header

POST api/Dashboard/RetrieveNotifications

Retrieves the Dashboard Notifications

POST api/Dashboard/RetrieveTriggerNotifications

Retrieves the Dashboard Notifications

POST api/Dashboard/RetrieveUnreadNotificationCount

Retrieves unread notification count and last notification for Dashboard

POST api/Dashboard/RetrieveComponentData

Retrieves the Dashboard Header

POST api/Dashboard/RetrieveComponentScoreData

No documentation available.

POST api/Dashboard/RetrieveMiwayDashboard

No documentation available.

POST api/Dashboard/RetrieveLastFiveTrips

No documentation available.

POST api/Dashboard/RetrieveDashboardsList

Retrieves a list of available dashboards in the system.


POST api/POI/Retrieve

Retrieves a list of Point of Interests.

POST api/POI/Update

Updates a Point of Interest.

POST api/POI/Delete

Deletes a Point of Interest.

POST api/POI/Create

Creates a Point of Interest.

POST api/POI/Retrievepoi

Retrieves the Point of Interest for population in drop down list.

POST api/POI/RetrievePoisWithSummary

Retrieves a list of Point of Interests.

POST api/POI/MoveImageByEntityPath?imageName={imageName}&rootTempImagePath={rootTempImagePath}&rootEntityImagePath={rootEntityImagePath}

No documentation available.


POST api/Driver/Retrieve

Returns a list of drivers.

POST api/Driver/LatestLocation

Retrieves the current location of the driver.

POST api/Driver/Create

Creates a Driver

POST api/Driver/Update

Updates a driver

POST api/Driver/Delete

Deletes a driver

POST api/Driver/RetrieveVehiclesForDriver

Retrieves a list of driver's associated vehicles

POST api/Driver/RetrieveAllDrivers

Retrieves a list of drivers for drop down list.

POST api/Driver/RetrieveTraversedPOIs

Retrieves the Point of Interests Driver has been to in the speciic duration.

POST api/Driver/RetrieveDriversThroughPOI

Retrieves the drivers who have been through a point of interest.

POST api/Driver/TriggerAlarm

For system use only.

POST api/Driver/RetrieveDriversThroughPOILastPositionOnly

Retrieves the drivers who have stopped in the specified Point of Interest.

POST api/Driver/UploadDriverImage

Uploads driver image

POST api/Driver/RetrieveDriversWithSummary

Returns a list of drivers.

GET api/Driver/GetFileName

No documentation available.

POST api/Driver/MoveImageByEntityPath?imageName={imageName}&rootTempImagePath={rootTempImagePath}&rootEntityImagePath={rootEntityImagePath}

No documentation available.